Единственнымъ представителемъ конторы журнала „Жаръ-Птица“
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Fifth Avenue Corner 27th Street (Madison Square)
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въ Соединенныхъ Штатахъ Сѣверной Америки
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Booksellers, Ex. and Importers, Publishers, Stationers and Newsdealers
New York City
Fifth Avenue Corner 27th Street (Madison Square)
D. C. 12th & F. Street
Sole Agents for Jar-Ptitza in the
United States of America
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Booksellers, Ex- and Importers, Publishers, Stationers and Newsdealers
New York City
Fifth Avenue Corner 27th Street (Madison Square)
D. C. 12th & F. Street
Sole Agent for Jar-Ptiza in
Argentine, South America
Gregorio A. Kassian Import of Russian Books, Music and Home-Industry
Buenos Aires
929, Florida 929 U. T. Ret. 9133.
Printed in Germany