In forming his new

Ministry, M. Briand has retained as many members as possible of the old Cabinet, but he has had to find new
comers for the Foreign, Affairs, War, Marine, and Justice. Of these perhaps the most interesting to ourselves is M. Charles Celestin Auguste Jonnart (bora in 1857), who now becomes the Foreign
Minister. M. Jonnart, who has. long been a disciple
of M. Briand, has been closely connected with the affairs of Algeria for over thirty years, and it was there he met King Edward.
M. Pierre Baudin, the new Minister of Marine, has long been interested in the Navy, and is President of the Maritime League.

Captain John Gilmour,

the new Unionist Whip in succession to Mr. Wilfrid Ashley, is the eldest surviving son of Sir John Gilmour, of Lundin and Montrave in Fifeshire, a county which
is also connected with his colleague, Lord Balcarres. Captain Gilmour, who was born in 1876, was educated at Cambridge, and fought in South Africa. He was a member of the Horse
Breeding Commission of 1910, in which year he captured East Renfrewshire.
Another branch of the
Gilmour family is now represented by Colonel Gordon-Gilmour, of Libberton and Craigmillar. His father started life as Henry Wolrige, then
took the name of Gordon-Wolrige, and last of all that of Wolrige- Gordon, while Colonel Gordon-Gilmour’s son is Mr. Little-Gilmour.
Lord Petre, who is to
marry Miss Boscawen, is the 16th baron, and was born in 1890. It was his cousin, the Hon. Mary Petre, bom 1900, for whom the barony of Furnivall, which had been in abey
ance since 1777, was revived the other day.
Lord Petre succeeded his father in 1908. He is an officer in the Coldstream Guards. Miss Boscawen is a daughter of Lady Margaret Boscawen, and a niece of Lord Falmouth. She is just two-and-twenty.

A sensation has been

created in Paris by the award of the “ Grand Prix de Rome ” for sculpture to a woman, Mademoiselle Heuvelmans, of Paris. The “ Grand Prix de Rome, ” which entitles the winner to spend four years in Rome
at the expense of the French State, has never previously been granted to a woman, and is con
sidered in France as the greatest prize for an artist. Mile. Heuvelmans
has thus been the first woman to enter the French Académie in Rome.

Dr. Dorothea Tudor,

the English lady doctor who has been nursing the Bulgarians, is one of the physicians at the Quinton Polyclinic,

London. She comes of military and naval fore

bears, for she is the granddaughter of Major E. Francis French, of the 82nd and 22nd Regiments, an old Peninsula and Waterloo officer; while
General Arthur French is her uncle. She is the daughter of the late Frederick S. S. Tudor, of Whiton Lodge, East Yorks.
THE NEW FRENCH M. Louis Klotz.
MINISTRY: FINANCE, M. Aristide Briand.
M. Pierre Baudin. M. Charles Jonnart.
Winner of the ‘ Grand Prix de Rome. ”
Val L Estrango
Whose engagement to Lord Petre has been announced.
Wife (née Benucci) of the new French President.
DOCTOR DOROTHEA TUDOR Who has been nursing the Bulgarians.