The old pied piper of Hamelin town Who led the rats to the stream to drown —
— had a simple task compared to the advertiser of today.
He piped” alone----but the advertiser s message must successfully compete with thousands of claims.


If yours were the only shop of its kind — any kind of workmanship would bring profits pouring in. But you can t play solo like the Pied Piper — you have competition that must ke met, or surpassed . . . Yet you can he different. THOUGHT is the one

ingredient added to your craftsmanship, that makes it utterly distinct from the work of your competitors. Put extra THOUGHT into each job and your shop will soon have the reputation of being in a class hy itself . . . That is the background of I. P. I. Inks—THOUGHT, skill and experience — which makes tkem a vital kelp to your own craftsmanskip.

The international printing ink corporation

75 Varick Street, New York City 26 kranckes in principal cities