Why Building Costs
Will Remain High W
E BELIEVE it our duty to advise corporations and individuals who have been hesitating to build in the face of present construction costs that it is our firm conviction existing prices will not decline.
In the production of building material, labor, transportation and fuel constitute, at a minimum, 75% of the cost of construction, and careful analysis of fundamental conditions shows no likelihood of a decrease in the cost of any of these prime essentials.
Added to this is a nation-wide shortage of buildings, which will require at least five years of intensive activity to meet.
For these reasons, the investment value of building now is obvious. Every consideration of self-interest and public service justify going ahead.
We specialize in making long term construction loans in the form of first mortgage bond issues to assist in financing the construction of hotel, apartment, industrial, mercantile, office and warehouse buildings, in amounts of $500,000 upward, and invite correspondence from those who are contemplating building.
Write for our booklet explaining the Straus Plan of financing. It tells how to borrow money to build.
S.W. Straus & Go.
Straus Building
SAN FRANCISCO Crocker Building
NEW YORK 150 Broadway
37 Years Without Loss to Any Investor