A 100% Window At Last
The Lunken Unit-Window
solving the 100% ventilation, screen, decoration and weatherstrip questions in a single, simple, easy acting unit
A double-hung window absolutely normal
as to appearance and operation, yet which, by the use of a weathertight
head pocket gives full opening ventilation.
Entire length screens in two parts slide also into the head pocket, safe from storage damage yet instantly available without trouble or the assistance of a mechanic.
Self weatherstripped, showing efficiency equal to best weatherstripped double-hung windows. Available for all construc
tion permitting wood windows and with but little, or no constructional modification.
The LUNKEN UNIT-WIN- DOW combines in a single window about everything every window ought always to have done. F. S. D.’s on request showing relationship to all construction—also literature explaining construction of win
dow and value of window in
residences, hospitals, hotels and other buildings where both ven
tilation and coal saving are respectively appreciated.
Normal in appearance and operation. Double-hung simplicity and convenience. Better than casement
ventilation. Both sash cleanable from
standing position on floor.
Makers of the 100% Window
Architectural Department
2 Fifth Avenue New York
Main Office and Plant
4020 Cherry St., Cincinnati
The Lunken Unit-Window
solving the 100% ventilation, screen, decoration and weatherstrip questions in a single, simple, easy acting unit
A double-hung window absolutely normal
as to appearance and operation, yet which, by the use of a weathertight
head pocket gives full opening ventilation.
Entire length screens in two parts slide also into the head pocket, safe from storage damage yet instantly available without trouble or the assistance of a mechanic.
Self weatherstripped, showing efficiency equal to best weatherstripped double-hung windows. Available for all construc
tion permitting wood windows and with but little, or no constructional modification.
The LUNKEN UNIT-WIN- DOW combines in a single window about everything every window ought always to have done. F. S. D.’s on request showing relationship to all construction—also literature explaining construction of win
dow and value of window in
residences, hospitals, hotels and other buildings where both ven
tilation and coal saving are respectively appreciated.
Normal in appearance and operation. Double-hung simplicity and convenience. Better than casement
ventilation. Both sash cleanable from
standing position on floor.
Makers of the 100% Window
Architectural Department
2 Fifth Avenue New York
Main Office and Plant
4020 Cherry St., Cincinnati