Build with Armco Iron—Repair with It—
Use it for all Sheet-Metal purposes on your Farm
If the roof of your barn needs repairing, repair it so that it won’t have to be repaired again for many years. Make it a galvanized Armco Iron Roof.
Also making the siding of Armco Iron. And all the other metal parts of your barn. And your silos and grain bins. And the fences of your cattle enclosures. And everything that your live stock feed or drink out of.
For Armco Iron resists rust. It is so pure and even that it takes and holds a galvanizing coat better than any other metal. The galvanizing adheres closely and does not crack or peel off, because it is securely fused with the base metal. Armco Iron tanks, litter carriers, and hog-waterers help to make
the living conditions of your cattle, horses, and hogs more sanitary.
Armco Iron is also extensively used in the manufacture of rust-resisting wire fence. Made by Page Steel & Wire Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Armco (American Ingot) Iron is exceptionally durable, because it is exceptionally pure and even. And because it is exceptionally durable, it is most economical in the long run for every kind of metal farm use. For durability and economy have always gone together, and always will.
Look into the matter of Armco Iron Products for your farm. Do it today, using coupon below for the purpose.
Box 265, Middletown, Ohio
The trade-mark ARMCO carries the assurance that products bearing that mark are manufactured by The American Rolling Mill Company with the skill, intelligence, and fidelity associated with its products, and hence can be depended upon to possess in the highest degree the merit claimed for them. The trade-mark ARMCO is registered in the U. S. Patent Office.
The American Rolling Mill Co. Dept. 265 Middletown, Ohio
Please send me your free Bulletin, Armco Iron on the Farm, which tells where I can get Armco Iron rust-resisting products.
Name................................................................................. Street or R. F. D. No................................................ Town and State........................................................
The American Architect, published weekly at 243 West 39th Street, New York, N. Y. Entered as second class matter January 6th, 1909, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y. under the act of March 3rd, 1879. Subscrip, tion price in the United States and Possessions, $10.00 per year. Issue No. 2292 dated November 26. 1919.
Use it for all Sheet-Metal purposes on your Farm
If the roof of your barn needs repairing, repair it so that it won’t have to be repaired again for many years. Make it a galvanized Armco Iron Roof.
Also making the siding of Armco Iron. And all the other metal parts of your barn. And your silos and grain bins. And the fences of your cattle enclosures. And everything that your live stock feed or drink out of.
For Armco Iron resists rust. It is so pure and even that it takes and holds a galvanizing coat better than any other metal. The galvanizing adheres closely and does not crack or peel off, because it is securely fused with the base metal. Armco Iron tanks, litter carriers, and hog-waterers help to make
the living conditions of your cattle, horses, and hogs more sanitary.
Armco Iron is also extensively used in the manufacture of rust-resisting wire fence. Made by Page Steel & Wire Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Armco (American Ingot) Iron is exceptionally durable, because it is exceptionally pure and even. And because it is exceptionally durable, it is most economical in the long run for every kind of metal farm use. For durability and economy have always gone together, and always will.
Look into the matter of Armco Iron Products for your farm. Do it today, using coupon below for the purpose.
Box 265, Middletown, Ohio
The trade-mark ARMCO carries the assurance that products bearing that mark are manufactured by The American Rolling Mill Company with the skill, intelligence, and fidelity associated with its products, and hence can be depended upon to possess in the highest degree the merit claimed for them. The trade-mark ARMCO is registered in the U. S. Patent Office.
The American Rolling Mill Co. Dept. 265 Middletown, Ohio
Please send me your free Bulletin, Armco Iron on the Farm, which tells where I can get Armco Iron rust-resisting products.
Name................................................................................. Street or R. F. D. No................................................ Town and State........................................................
The American Architect, published weekly at 243 West 39th Street, New York, N. Y. Entered as second class matter January 6th, 1909, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y. under the act of March 3rd, 1879. Subscrip, tion price in the United States and Possessions, $10.00 per year. Issue No. 2292 dated November 26. 1919.