Are you one of the many architects who now make it a practice
to recommend Frigidaire to clients? If so, you know how favorably the recommendation is usually received, and the Frigidaire Corporation thanks you, too, for the service.
But if you have happened to overlook Frigidaire, may we suggest that when you have an opportunity you investigate this iceless refrigerator?
Its efficiency, economy, cleanliness and reliability will, we are confident, win it a permanent place in your specifications.
The great satisfaction of Frigidaire owners all over the country
supports us in that statement. By including Frigidaire in your specifications, you confer a favor upon home-builders, upon us and very possibly upon yourself, in the greater satisfaction of those you serve.
The Frigidaire Corporation
Makera of
Frigidaire 725 SCOTTEN AVENUE
Dctroit. Mich.