Why the Steel Shell is
HEN a driving core or “mandrel”
punches a hole in the ground and is withdrawn, the tremendous pressure set up there immediately reacts to re-fill the space, ground water seeps in and, if the mandrel is again driven directly alongside, the damage to the first hole needs no further description.
That is why it is essential that a hollow, spirally reinforced steel shell be left in the ground when the core comes out, as in the Raymond Method. This provides a perfect “form” for each concrete pile—and you know it is perfect, because you can inspect the interior of each shell after it’s been driven. This shell is left in the ground permanently. It is your assurance that every Raymond Concrete Pile is perfect.
Send for the Raymond Fact Book.
New York
140 Cedar Street 111 West Monroe Street RAYMOND CONCRETE PILE CO., Ltd., Montreal, Canada
A Form for Every Pile—A Pile for Every Purpose
The American Architect, published weekly at 243 West 39th Street, New York, N. Y. Entered as second class matter January 6th. 1909. at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3rd. 1879. Subscription price in the United States and Possessions, $10.00 per year. Issue No. 2294 dated December 10. 1919.
HEN a driving core or “mandrel”
punches a hole in the ground and is withdrawn, the tremendous pressure set up there immediately reacts to re-fill the space, ground water seeps in and, if the mandrel is again driven directly alongside, the damage to the first hole needs no further description.
That is why it is essential that a hollow, spirally reinforced steel shell be left in the ground when the core comes out, as in the Raymond Method. This provides a perfect “form” for each concrete pile—and you know it is perfect, because you can inspect the interior of each shell after it’s been driven. This shell is left in the ground permanently. It is your assurance that every Raymond Concrete Pile is perfect.
Send for the Raymond Fact Book.
New York
140 Cedar Street 111 West Monroe Street RAYMOND CONCRETE PILE CO., Ltd., Montreal, Canada
A Form for Every Pile—A Pile for Every Purpose
The American Architect, published weekly at 243 West 39th Street, New York, N. Y. Entered as second class matter January 6th. 1909. at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3rd. 1879. Subscription price in the United States and Possessions, $10.00 per year. Issue No. 2294 dated December 10. 1919.