The New Name for a Time-Honored Product A
RMSTRONG S Cork Tile is not a new product, but an old product rechristened. For many years this floor has been known to and specified by architects in all parts of the United States ; but under a name that is different from the one it now bears. Although manufactured by the Armstrong Cork Company since 1904, this floor had been advertised, marketed and installed by an entirely separate organization. A few months ago this arrangement was terminated and the Company will henceforward perform these functions itself, distributing the material under the new name—
Armstrong s Cork Tile
Armstrong s Cork Tile is made solely of fine, clean coik shavings produced in the manufacture of corks. These shavings are placed in molds, compressed and then baked. 1 be heat employed in the baking process liberates the natural
gums in the cork and forms a material that is remarkably compact, tough, durable and resilient.
For floors where comfort, silence and durability are prime requisites, Aimstrong’s Cork Tile leaves little to be desired.
An illustrated booklet, “The Ten-Point Cork Floor,” fresh from the press, will be mailed to you promptly on request. Send for a copy today and file it in your reference library.
Armstrong Cork & Insulation Company, 162 Twenty-fourth St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Also manufacturers of Nonpareil Corkboard Insulation for cold storage rooms; Nonpareil Cork Covering for cold pipes and tanks; Nonpareil High Pressure Covering for steam lines, feed water heaters, etc.; Nonpareil Insulating Brick for furnaces, ovens, etc.; Nonpareil Cork Machinery Isolation for noisy machines, and Linotile for floors in offices, residences, etc.
Floor of Aimstrong’s Cork Tile in the office of Kean, Higbie & Company, Detroit, Mich.