Many a home in the far West contains a Wurlitzer Residence Pipe Organ. Dwellers in this pleasant land cherish the better things. They are a cordial people, living in friendly homes. tfThe Wurlitzer Residence Pipe Organ helps them to entertain. It brings to intimate evenings the unforgetable beauty given well-loved melodies whenever true artists play them. It sets dancing feet lightly gliding over polished floors. The touch of a button does it all, reproducing from music

A cheerful alcove in a California home showing the compact, aristocratic organ console


Residence Pipe Organ

An exterior view of this interesting home

rolls each interpretation as the organist originally played it. The large library of re

corded rolls includes symphonies, operas, ballads, and the songs today is singing. {{See the Wurlitzer Residence Pipe Organ at the

studio nearest your home. Come and discover for yourself just why this remarkable instrument appeals so greatly to home own

ers who value distinction. Studios in Los Angeles, New York, Buffalo, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, and Pittsburgh.

An interesting brochure, with photographs of installations, may be obtained from any Wurlitzer store. For further information address: The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., New York City.
ARTS & DECORATION, February, 1932. Published every month. Volume XXXVI. Number 4. Publication Office, 578 Madison Avenue, New York City. Subscription price, $6.00 a year; two years, $10.00; three years, $12.00; single copies, $0.50; foreign subscriptions, $1.00 additional for postage; Canadian subscription, $0.50 additional. Entered as second-class matter March 5, 1919 at the post office in New York City, under the act of March 3, 1879. Copyrighted 1932, by Arts & Decoration Publishing Co., Inc Registered U. S. Patent Office.