The International Nickel Company, Inc. 73 Wall Street, New York, N. Y
Please send me booklet— A New Sink for the Kitchen Beautiful” giving; latest information on Monel Metal Kitchen Sinks.
Address. _____________________________________________
H. B. 5-32 Plumber-----------------------------------------------------------------------

• Who can faithfully describe the truly beautiful... an autumn sunset, the jewels of a princess, a Monel Metal “Streamline” Sink?

Words cannot do justice to such rare beauty. One might say that Monel Metal Sinks are silvery
in color — but only your own eyes can tell you of the rich, mellow luster that distinguishes this modern kitchen equipment. And until you actually see Monel Metal keeping company with other colors, you will not appreciate how it harmonizes with every decorative scheme.
In utility as well as in appearance, Monel Metal “Streamline” Sinks strike a new and wel
come note. They give you 31 % more sink work space and also provide chip- and crack-proof surfaces that will never rust... that will never grow dingy and shabby even after a lifetime of daily use.

These up-to-the-minute Monel Metal Sinks are available in many sizes — large and small.

Prices vary accordingly, but in every case you

can now buy a Monel Metal Sink for less than you would expect to pay for such “Fifth Avenue” quality.
Ask your plumber about Monel Metal ‘Streamline” Sinks... and mail coupon for latest information.
Monel Metal is a registered trade mark applied to an alloy containing approximately two-thirds Nickel and onethird copper. Monel Metal is mined, smelted, refined, rolled and marketed solely by International Nickel.