Plenty of Brass!


BRASS QUARTET are anxious to find a Room in a Private House
where they could practise once or twice weekly for two hours during tho afternoon; terms id. to 6d. an hour; a disused work-room would suit.— Apply, &c.
What may result from the above advertisement in the Standard it is impossible to tell, but the owner of tho “ private house ” who may meet the advertiser, will certainly do so at the cost of his privacy. The Brass Band may “ blow by stealth,” but they will certainly have to “ blush to find it fame.”
Science and Religion.—Tho Established Church of Scotland will probably do away with “ Moderators,” and use the Electric Light.
Summary, but Suggestive. At Tunis, the other day, according to telegram—
“ An Arab who was accused of placing stones on the railway metals, was shot this morning close to the Bey’s palace.”
As it is stated only that the Arab was accused, not also that he was convicted, of attempting to upset a railway train, it cannot yet be said with exact justice that they manage these things better in Tunis.
Sensation for Messes. Conquest and Meritt.—Revive Smike, with all tho horrors of Dotheboys Hall. It ought to be a regular Surr-ey Drama.
While Resignation gently smokes away,
And all his Prospects brightening so fast— He recommences ere his Word be past.
Goldsmith (Bismarckian Translation).