“I absolutely guarantee all Stucco Work
done by me on Bishopric Board”
So wrote one of St. Paul’s prominent contractors. Furthermore, he says, “I consider it the only lath that will stand dampness and changeable weather.”
Absolute dependability is the reason why Bishopric Board today is specified and used by architects, contractors and builders all over the country.
It builds reputation, secures confidence, promotes more business. Bishopric Board makes good. The construction of Bishopric Board is simple. Its advantages are obvious. Building principles and materials that have withstood the test of centuries are combined in Bishopric Board.
Creosoted dovetailed lath imbedded under terrific pressure in Asphalt Mastic on a background of heavy fibre-board—that, in brief, is Bishopric Board.
The creosote preserves the lath—the dovetail locks the stucco so it can’t let go—the Asphalt Mastic
on the fibre-board deadens sound and is proof against vermin, water, and weather changes.
Bishopric Board can be used with or without sheathing and when nailed securely to framework forms a background that can’t sag or break away, causing the stucco to crack and flake off.
Bishopric Board insures satisfaction. Don’t be contented with anything less. Use a background you can guarantee absolutely.
The Bishopric Manufacturing Co.
904 Este Ave.
Cincinnati, O.
Write for our free book, “Built on the Wisdom of Ages,” illustrating homes, apartments, factory and public buildings, finished in stucco on Bishopric Board. It contains letters from architects, builders and users, and extracts from reports of scientific tests. It also gives full instructions for making a stucco mixture that will last. With this book we send free samples of Bishopric Board.
Write today, investigate for yourself, be convinced.
A Bishopric-Board Home at Stamford, Conn.
Architects, Patterson & Dula, New York City
done by me on Bishopric Board”
So wrote one of St. Paul’s prominent contractors. Furthermore, he says, “I consider it the only lath that will stand dampness and changeable weather.”
Absolute dependability is the reason why Bishopric Board today is specified and used by architects, contractors and builders all over the country.
It builds reputation, secures confidence, promotes more business. Bishopric Board makes good. The construction of Bishopric Board is simple. Its advantages are obvious. Building principles and materials that have withstood the test of centuries are combined in Bishopric Board.
Creosoted dovetailed lath imbedded under terrific pressure in Asphalt Mastic on a background of heavy fibre-board—that, in brief, is Bishopric Board.
The creosote preserves the lath—the dovetail locks the stucco so it can’t let go—the Asphalt Mastic
on the fibre-board deadens sound and is proof against vermin, water, and weather changes.
Bishopric Board can be used with or without sheathing and when nailed securely to framework forms a background that can’t sag or break away, causing the stucco to crack and flake off.
Bishopric Board insures satisfaction. Don’t be contented with anything less. Use a background you can guarantee absolutely.
The Bishopric Manufacturing Co.
904 Este Ave.
Cincinnati, O.
Write for our free book, “Built on the Wisdom of Ages,” illustrating homes, apartments, factory and public buildings, finished in stucco on Bishopric Board. It contains letters from architects, builders and users, and extracts from reports of scientific tests. It also gives full instructions for making a stucco mixture that will last. With this book we send free samples of Bishopric Board.
Write today, investigate for yourself, be convinced.
A Bishopric-Board Home at Stamford, Conn.
Architects, Patterson & Dula, New York City