Arkansas Soft Pine
for Interior Woodwork
A WOOD of practical merit for stains and white enamel. It is non
jLv. resinous, has a tough fibre and close grain — is free from hard streaks, insuring uniform absorption of stains and a finished surface of unusual beauty and lustrous texture.
The non-resinous character of the wood eliminates any hazard of discoloration when used under white enamel. The total absence of pitch streaks and reverse grain insures definitely against “raised grain!1
Arkansas Soft Pine has proven itself over a period of twenty-five years. It combines moderate cost with superior, individual merit.
Technical literature, including grading rules, will be sent on request. Also finished samples if desired.
Arkansas Soft Pine is sold by dealers
east of the Rocfiies. It is identified by trade mar\.
1271 Boyle Building ■ Little Roc\, Ar\ansas