URN THE KEY and the lock on the heavy oak door prevents the movement of that door. It is held rigid and secure indefinitely. That’s what a lock is for.
In the same way, Bishopric Board prevents the movement of Stucco walls. Its dovetailed key, formed by beveled wood strips, fastens the Stucco firmly—locks it irrevocably.
Bishopric Board differs from a door lock in but one respect —it can never be unlocked ! The Stucco and Stucco Board remain sealed together forever, snug-tight to the building, the Stucco Board being fastened by a 6 D nail wherever it crosses a stud, and by four nails to each heavy wood strip where applied over Sheathing.
There isn’t the remotest possibility of cracking, crumbling walls when Stucco is applied over Bishopric Board, especially if the Stucco mixture we recommend be used—-a mixture universally conceded as the most perfect yet compounded.
Time does not lessen Bishopric Board’s effectiveness. The wood strips are creosoted, like railroad ties and old-time wooden bridges. The Asphalt Mastic in which the wood strips are imbedded is itself a preservative and keeps out moisture. The waterproofed fibreboard is a non-conductor and prevents the circulation of moisture.
Specify Bishopric Board if you want attractive, unbroken surfaces in your Stucco construction. Specify it for its desirable insulating and sound deadening qualities. Specify it to provide other advantages for clients through the saving it effects.
When Bishopric Board is used on interior walls, ceiling and partitions, plaster, time and labor are saved. Splendid insulation and retarding of sound are secured.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Have you used Bishopric Sheathing—the product which nearly one hundred concerns have specified for workmen’s homes ? Itmakes a solid, compact wall and saves 30 per cent over 7/8 -inch wood sheathing.
contains the perfect Stucco mixture and numerous tests and endorsements of Bishopric Board by Engineers, Architects, Contractors and Home Owners. It will be sent on request.