:mi-monthly by the Architectural and Building Press, Inc., at 258 Atlantic St., Stam, Stamford, Conn, and Editorial and Advertising Offices, 243 West 39th St^ New York, as second-class matter Feb. 19th, 1925, at the Post Office in Stamford, Conn., under No. 2482, dated October 5, 1925.
Tulpk St- Taul’s (Cathedral, Cos Angeles, Qalif. Johnson, IQxufmann Qoate, cArchitects
ThERE are so many and varied divisions of plan and direction in the designing and construction of the modern church, that appreciate more and more the assignments which can be
ibsolute confidence in the product to be delivered, the
e rendered, and ideals to be preserved.
every way equipped through our Designing, Producstallation Departments to merit the confidence of all their commissions to us.
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General Offices
IRK 1089 Lytton Building BOSTON
40th St. CHICAGO 67 Canal Street
rs of Seating and Furniture for Churches, Lodges, Schools and Theatres