Main Salon of the “Greater Buffalo,” showing the beautiful ornamental plastering on metal lath; comparable to the finest interiors of the best Theatres and Public Buildings on land. This 550-foot: Liner and its sister-ship — the “Greater Detroit” —built for Detroit Sc Cleveland Navigation Co., by Davy Co., Engineers, Detroit; designed by Mr. Frank E Kirby, internationally famous Naval Architect.
What Greater Tribute than this for Plastering on Metal Lath
OU KNOW how a big boat creaks and groans under the stresses, strains and vibrations to ___ which it is constantly subjected. Ordinary plastering couldn’t even be considered under such conditions. But on a base of metal lath, plastering has proven successful in the world’s largest Lake Liners— ‘Greater Detroit” and “Greater Buffalo”.
The magnificent plastered interiors of these mammoth ‘Floating Palaces” are as immune from cracks as the thousands of fine buildings and homes on land, where metal lathed plaster has been proving its crack-proof, firesafe qualities for years.
MILWAUKEE CORRUGATING COMPANY, Milwaukee, Wis. Chicago, 111. Kansas City, Mo. La Crosse, Wis.
Metal Lath to Reinforce and Preserve
Properly planned plastering saved $i 00,000.00 on a Club House recently — worthwhile details will be mailed on request. Use the convenient coupon•
Specifications of most products advertised in THE AMERICAN ARCHITECT appear in the Specification Manual
What Greater Tribute than this for Plastering on Metal Lath
OU KNOW how a big boat creaks and groans under the stresses, strains and vibrations to ___ which it is constantly subjected. Ordinary plastering couldn’t even be considered under such conditions. But on a base of metal lath, plastering has proven successful in the world’s largest Lake Liners— ‘Greater Detroit” and “Greater Buffalo”.
The magnificent plastered interiors of these mammoth ‘Floating Palaces” are as immune from cracks as the thousands of fine buildings and homes on land, where metal lathed plaster has been proving its crack-proof, firesafe qualities for years.
MILWAUKEE CORRUGATING COMPANY, Milwaukee, Wis. Chicago, 111. Kansas City, Mo. La Crosse, Wis.
Metal Lath to Reinforce and Preserve
Properly planned plastering saved $i 00,000.00 on a Club House recently — worthwhile details will be mailed on request. Use the convenient coupon•
Specifications of most products advertised in THE AMERICAN ARCHITECT appear in the Specification Manual