Why Pacific Boilers Qenerate Steam Quicker and More Economically—
Greater Direct Heating Surface
Water in the flat pan with big surface exposed directly to the flame is easily and quickly brought to steaming temperature. An equal volume of water in container with small surface exposed to the direct flame heats much more slowly. Pacific Boilers are similar in principle to the flat pan with a maximum of direct heating surface. That means greater efficiency and economy.
XTEVER less than 18 percent and as much as 31
percent of the total heating surface in Pacific Boilers is Direct heating surface.
This gives the Pacific better than 40 percent more direct heating surface than any other type of low pressure steel heating boiler.
Direct heating surface (that part of the boiler exposed to the radiant heat of the fire) is from two to three times as efficient as any other kind; so it is easy to see why the Pacific requires less heating surface to develop a given rating than other types.
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