Our Chicago office, through its Engineering Department maintains a complete service for architects and builders wishing data on electric range installations or the necessary wiring for the smaller household electrical appliances.
We cordially invite you to take up your wiring problems with us.
Specifications appear in The American Architect Specification Manual.
A Type for
Every Home
FOR the largest mansion or the
smallest bungalow or apartment we make a fitting model of the
The cleanliness, coolness and convenience of the Hughes Electric appeals to the home builder. The kitchen, no matter how large or how small, if Hughes equipped, is a source of pleasure and a model of efficiency.
The ranges shown on this page are taken at random from the Hughes line. They show, however, sizes ranging from the popular “50” range at the top to the neat, compact “C 18” at the bottom. A model for every home.
The architect, by getting in touch with his Electric Lighting Company, can easily get much valuable information on the subject of electric range installation. Or write us for further information.
New York Ontario, California Atlanta
Electric Range
Our Chicago office, through its Engineering Department maintains a complete service for architects and builders wishing data on electric range installations or the necessary wiring for the smaller household electrical appliances.
We cordially invite you to take up your wiring problems with us.
Specifications appear in The American Architect Specification Manual.
A Type for
Every Home
FOR the largest mansion or the
smallest bungalow or apartment we make a fitting model of the
The cleanliness, coolness and convenience of the Hughes Electric appeals to the home builder. The kitchen, no matter how large or how small, if Hughes equipped, is a source of pleasure and a model of efficiency.
The ranges shown on this page are taken at random from the Hughes line. They show, however, sizes ranging from the popular “50” range at the top to the neat, compact “C 18” at the bottom. A model for every home.
The architect, by getting in touch with his Electric Lighting Company, can easily get much valuable information on the subject of electric range installation. Or write us for further information.
New York Ontario, California Atlanta
Electric Range