A Protection from Noise, Dirt and Accident
The statement invariably made by building managers, where Ideal Elevator Door Hardware is installed. Ideal equipment possesses many exclusive features which contribute toward lower installation costs; greater ease of operation; greater safety, cleanliness and quiet; and lower maintenance. Write for a demonstration and full information on this superior equipment.
A. M. Gutter son, Manager, The Prince George Hotel, New York City, says: “The central yet quiet location of this 1,000-room hotel is a feature that appeals particularly to our guests. Naturally, we make every effort to avoid all unnecessary noise inside the house.
“Richards-Wilcox elevator door hangers and closers insure our guests freedom from the annoyance of noisy, banging elevator doors. This equipment was installed 8 years ago on 64 doors and has rendered the most satisfactory service. Ball bearings, and an even distribution of weight which prevents sagging, result in doors that operate easily and quietly. Moving parts are covered, excluding dirt which would result in excessive wear, and protecting passengers and operators from dropping oil or grease. The door closers function effectively; and with the adjustable
liquid checks, give us doors that close rapidly, yet without banging.
“The Inter-Lock feature cuts off all power from the car by breaking the circuit as soon as a door starts to open. This is the most efficient safety device of its kind that we know about, for it absolutely prevents starting a car until the door is entirely closed. Having only one switch for each shaft prevents trouble. These features make a substantial yearly saving for us in liability insurance premiums.
“The perfect operation of our R-W equipment not only contributes to the comfort and safety of our guests, but also saves us money. But little maintenance is required and repairs are almost never necessary.”
New York Boston Philadelphia Cleveland Cincinnati Indianapolis St. Louis New Orleans Chicago Minneapolis Kansas City Los Angeles San Francisco Omaha Seattle Detroit
Specifications of most products advertised in THE AMERICAN ARCHITECT appear in the Specification Manual