In Making That “Home Ideal”
With the same scrupulous care as you plan heat, ventilation, light—tor frigeration is more vital.
The ordinary iced refrigerator is a breeding place for germs, they get into the food and hence into your system. The average ice is harvested from lakes and ponds near the city to save railroad transportation, and while marketed as pure ice it is often frozen impure water, due to sewage, etc.
Ice refrigerators cannot produce a lower temperature than 48 to 60 degrees F. and bacteria growth is active even as low as 50 degrees F., consequently food decomposition is rapid.
Frigidaire eliminates the dangerous elements of ice refrigerators and contributes health to human life, and conserves food, making it the ultimate frigerator, being absolutely germ-proof. Produces dry, pure, cool air from 38 to 44 degrees F., free from food taints from one to another.
In addition to cooling the provision compartments it can make 48 ice cubes for each meal, or chill, freeze and congeal scores of dainties, such as ice cream, ices, mousses, jellies, etc.
Frigidaire mechanical construction consists of a one-fourth horsepower electric motor which drives a two-cylinder single acting compressor controlled automatically by temperature changes in provision compartments, and operates on an average of eight hours per day. The compressor pumps sulphur-dioxide vapor (which is used as a frigerant agent, being harmless and non-explosive and used under a low pressure) into a condensing chamber which contains coils through which water flows automatically as required, being connected to house water-supply line. The frigerant vapor comes in contact with coils, gives up its heat and becomes liquefied; then collects into a pocket containing an automatic expansion valve, which permits the liquid frigerant to pass into expansion coil enclosed in brine tank and absorbs heat from provision compartments, which causes liquid frigerant to become again a vapor, then repeats the cycle just mentioned. There is no loss of frigerant agent charge, it lasts for the life of Frigidaire. The motor runs for years on one oiling which gives an automatic frigerator that requires no attention only water from house supply and electric current, due to our method of suspension, and its being enclosed in lower compartment of frigerator.
The average cost of operating for one year, including electric current and water: at lc kilowatt hours, $13.00; 2c, $21.00; 3c, $29.20; 4c, $37.60; 5c, $45.60; 6c, $53.80; 7c, $62.10; 8c, $70.20; 9c, $78.30; and 10c, $86.50.
Frigidaire is also suitable for apartments, schools, laboratories, restaurants, cafes, hospitals, yachts, clubs, institutions, etc.
Write for Frigidaire Magazine or prices, etc.—No obligations. There is no annoyance of machinery.
The Frigidaire Corporation
Makers of
Detroit. Mich.
(Division General Motors Corp.)
9 Central Avenue
295 Union Arcade
30 Michigan Ave.
187 Peachtree Street
105 North 20th Street
NEW YORK CITY 1760 Broadway
666 Main Street
21 East Market Street
Forsyth and Hogan Streets
OAKLAND, CAL. 301 13th Street
PHILADELPHIA 1304 Widener Bldg.
404 Union Central Bldg.
1005 Real Estate Exchange Bldg.
219 St. Charles Street
WILMINGTON Hotel du Pont