Frigidaire is the most modem, most sanitary unit system yet devised for the safe-guarding of food and health; it is a Frigepafor not a refrigerator.
Frigidaire is the most wonderful food
preserving plant, for every American household and hospital—every place in fact, where Frigeration is needed.
Frigidaire prevents decay, does away with filth, fermentation, impurities; it avoids slime, banishes spoilage and prevents the waste of food.
Frigidaire eliminates ice bills and ice vexations, it is the height of convenience, the long-sought ideal of food safety and sanitation.
Frigidaire preserves food in a perfectly dry and even atmosphere, at a set temperature much lower than that of the best-built completely filled ice box.
Frigidaire manufactures, automatically, cubes of pure, wholesome, germ-free ice for table use and special purposes. It also chills or freezes Sherbets, Mousses, Gelatins, Custards, etc., in the ice-making compartment.
Frigidaire uses no ammonia; it needs no attention whatever—first oiling of motor, and machine, lasts for years.
Frigidaire has the very best one-piece white porcelain steel lining, with rounded comers, and fits flush above door sills, the most sanitary construction yet devised.
Frigidaire dimensions: small food compartment, 12 inches high, 15 1/4 inches wide, 18 inches deep. Large compartment, 39 inches high, 15 1/4 inches wide, 18 inches deep, with 5 double-tinned, removable, v/ire shelves. Height of Frigidaire 67 1/2 inches; Width 39 inches; Depth 24 1/2 inches.
The Frigidaire Corporation
Makers of
Detroit, Mich.
(DiviNioa General Mnlorn Corp.)
White Enamel Finish
Natural Wood Finish
Ice molds are easily released by holding ice draw under faucet
Illustrating ease with which ice molds are released
Illustrating method of releasing
individual ice cubes