For All Kinds of Houses R
ESIDENCES listed in the panel range in cost from $2,000 to $15,000. This is typical.
Asfaltslate Shingles are suitable for any pitched roof. They are not merely beautiful; not merely fire-resisting; not merely enduring—they are all of these things put together.
They require no painting. They do not rot. They do not dry out and split nor curl. Wind cannot loosen them, heat or cold does not affect them; rust cannot reach the nail heads and, finally, they are spark-proof.
The base is a special wool felt produced in our own mills. This is thoroughly waterproofed with asphalt from our own refineries and the surface finished with crushed slate in natural red and green colors.
Asfaltslate Shingles save painting, repairs and replacements and reduce insurance premiums. To be sure of getting the maximum beauty, safety, economy and satisfaction, specify Carey Asfaltslate Shingles.
For particulars address nearest branch or
General Offices: 505-525 Wayne Ave., Lockland, Cincinnati, O.
50 Branches and Distributors
Atlanta Chattanooga Detroit Memphis Omaha Spokane Baltimore Chicago
Jacksonville Minneapolis Philadelphia St. Louis Birmingham Cincinnati Kansas City Montreal Pittsburgh Tacoma Boston Cleveland Knoxville
Nashville Portland Toronto Buffalo Dallas Little Rock New Orleans San Francisco Wheeling Charlotte Denver Los Angeles New York Seattle
Washington, D. C,
Examples of the kind of buildings on which
Asfaltslate Shin
gles are used.
Robert First, Contractor, Cincinnati, $10,000 bungalow.
Methodist Episcopal Church, Downs, Kans., $50,000 structure— Roman style of architecture.
Eugene Martin, Italy, Texas, $5,000 brick bungalow.
Judge Schwan, Benton, Ills., $12,000— 2 1/2 story residence.
Japanese Tea Garden, Seattle,Wash. A $3,000 dream of artistic architecture.
H. S. Atho, Orlando, Fla., Sub-tropical home of great beauty.
R. C. Ware, Plainview, Texas, $7,000 single
story, stucco bungalow.
Panama Park School Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla., $100,000 brick structure.
ESIDENCES listed in the panel range in cost from $2,000 to $15,000. This is typical.
Asfaltslate Shingles are suitable for any pitched roof. They are not merely beautiful; not merely fire-resisting; not merely enduring—they are all of these things put together.
They require no painting. They do not rot. They do not dry out and split nor curl. Wind cannot loosen them, heat or cold does not affect them; rust cannot reach the nail heads and, finally, they are spark-proof.
The base is a special wool felt produced in our own mills. This is thoroughly waterproofed with asphalt from our own refineries and the surface finished with crushed slate in natural red and green colors.
Asfaltslate Shingles save painting, repairs and replacements and reduce insurance premiums. To be sure of getting the maximum beauty, safety, economy and satisfaction, specify Carey Asfaltslate Shingles.
For particulars address nearest branch or
General Offices: 505-525 Wayne Ave., Lockland, Cincinnati, O.
50 Branches and Distributors
Atlanta Chattanooga Detroit Memphis Omaha Spokane Baltimore Chicago
Jacksonville Minneapolis Philadelphia St. Louis Birmingham Cincinnati Kansas City Montreal Pittsburgh Tacoma Boston Cleveland Knoxville
Nashville Portland Toronto Buffalo Dallas Little Rock New Orleans San Francisco Wheeling Charlotte Denver Los Angeles New York Seattle
Washington, D. C,
Examples of the kind of buildings on which
Asfaltslate Shin
gles are used.
Robert First, Contractor, Cincinnati, $10,000 bungalow.
Methodist Episcopal Church, Downs, Kans., $50,000 structure— Roman style of architecture.
Eugene Martin, Italy, Texas, $5,000 brick bungalow.
Judge Schwan, Benton, Ills., $12,000— 2 1/2 story residence.
Japanese Tea Garden, Seattle,Wash. A $3,000 dream of artistic architecture.
H. S. Atho, Orlando, Fla., Sub-tropical home of great beauty.
R. C. Ware, Plainview, Texas, $7,000 single
story, stucco bungalow.
Panama Park School Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla., $100,000 brick structure.