Vol. xc. SEPTEMBER 15, 1906. No. 1603 Editorial Summary :
Pages 81-82
The New York and Boston Art Commissions Prove their Mettle—The Evil of Competition Common to Most Walks in Life—Should Jobs go only to those who have “Arrived?”—Death of Edmund R. Willson. Architect—Death of T. O. Langerfeldt, Water-Colorist—Warning to those about to use Reinforced-Concrete.
Design and Choice of Material.-....................................................................... 83 Use of Burned Clay Products in Fireproofing Buildings—III......... 84 A Lay Editor on Architectural Competitions........................................... 86 The Abbey of St. Denis.......................................................................................... 87 Notes and Clippings ................................................................................................. 88 Societies, Personal Mention, Building News, Etc.
Plates :
McKinley National Memorial, Canton, O. : Seven Plates—U. S. Courthouse and Post-office, Indianapolis, Ind.
Additional Plate s (International Edition) :
The Wertheim Warehouse, Berlin, Prussia: Three Plates—Evangelical Church, Deutsch-Eylau, Prussia.
12 West 40TH Street NEW YORK
Entered as second class matter November 18, 1904, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1907.