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Designing and Contracting Engineers
160 Fifth Avenue, New York
to be built on the south side of Pitkin Avenue, 50 feet west of Hopkinson Avenue, for M. Tatarsky, 72 Sumner Avenue, at an estimated cost of $50,000. R. T. Rasmussen, 30 Graham Avenue, is the architect, and plans provide for five-story building, measuring 50x82 feet. It will be built of brick and stone, with tin roofing, hardwood finish.
The property on the north side of Sixtieth Street, 260 feet west of Thirteenth Avenue, owned by Natalo Ruvola, on premises, will be improved by the erection of a store and.. dwelling house, plans for which have befen prepared by Architect Thomas Bennett, Third Avenue and Fiftysecond Street. .The building will be three stories high, measuring 20x59 feet. It will be built of brick, and stone, and have hardwood finish, hot-air heating, and all modern improvements. Cost, $75,000.
Calumet, Mich.—H. N. Hussy, of White & Hussy, architects, Lansing, Mich., is preparing plans .for the new Y. M. C. A. building, for which $50,000 has been raised.
Camden, N. J.—It is reported that a large addition will be built to the Cooper Hospital at Camden from plans and detailed specifications by Walter Smedley, architect, of Philadelphia. Designs show a fourstory bpilding, measuring 32x52 feet. It will be built of brick, stone and iron.
Carman, Man.—The Methodist Society will erect a new church to cost $35,000.
Charleston, W. Va—It is reported that Harding & Upman, architects, 1316 G Street, N. W„ have been commissioned to prepare plans for a ten-story office building
to be erected for C. W. Alderson, at a cost of $150,000.
Chattanooga, Tenn.—It is announced that an appropriation of $110,000 has been made for an addition to the custom house here.
Chicago, III.—The Brooks Estate, of Boston, Mass. (Aldis & Co., local representative, Monadnock Building), have secured a site at Franklin and Congress Streets, and, it is stated, intend erecting a ten-story building at a cost of about $420,- 000, to be occupied by Kohn Bros., clothing manufacturers. Plans are being prepared by Plolabird & Roche, 1618 Monadnock Building.
Holabird & Roche, architects, 100 Jackson Boulevard, will prepare plans for a factory to be erected at 248 Washington Street, for Chapman & Smith. It is to be six stories high, 94x125 feet, built of brick and stone. Estimated cost, $120,000.
Wm. G. Krieg, 84 Washington Street, has prepared plans for an apartment building to be built at Warren Avenue and Lincoln Street, for Fred J. Fadner. It will be three-story, 123x60.6 feet, and cost about $70,000.
Architects Huehl & Schmid, Metropolitan Block, 163 Randolph Street, expect to have the specifications ready soon, and will then receive bids on a factory to be built at the northeast corner of East Ravenswood Park and Irving Park Boulevard for the J. Manz Engraving Company. It will be one and two-story, of reinforced construction, with pressed brick and stone front, composition roof,, large skylights, steam heat, electric
light, structural iron work, and cost about $120,000.
Architect S. N. Crowen, 1801 Borland Building, southwest corner of La Salle and Monroe Streets, is preparing plans for an apartment building to be erected at Beacon Street and Wilson Avenue for C. L. Congleton. It will be three-story, have pressed brick and stone fronts, composition roof, oak finish, steam heat, marble and mosaicwork, arid cost about $50,000.
Architect William C. Sivern, Reaper Block, 97 Clark Street, it is stated, is about to let contracts for a factory to be built on 114th Street, between Robey Street and Hoyne Avenue. It will be one-story, i8ox250 feet, of reinforced concrete construction, with brick exterior, have saw-tooth roof, steam heat, and cost about $100,000.
Architect H. W. J. Edbrooke, 88 Washington Street, has prepared plans for a warehouse to be built at Forty-second Street and Ashland Avenue, for Darling & Co., 4201 South Ashland Avenue, who are taking figures. It will be five-story, 80x150 feet, of mill construction, with concrete foundation, brick superstructure, have composition roof, iron stairs, fire escapes, wire glass, and cost $75,000.
Dwight H. Perkins, -architect for the Board of Education, Tribune Building, southeast corner of Dearborn and Madison Streets, has completed plans for the Lyman Trumbull Manual Training and High School to be built on Sedgwick Street, between Bethoven and Division Streets. It will cover 330.4x170 feet, and be two and four-story, have pile and concrete foundations, be of fireproof construction, with